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やまよ日暮里中央通り店 外観
やまよ日暮里中央通り店 外観
やまよ日暮里中央通り店 商品
やまよ日暮里中央通り店 店内
やまよ日暮里中央通り店 店内

A convenience store for dressmaking materials "YAMAYO"

We have a wide range of threads, needles, zippers, buttons and dressmaking attachments . We offer the best prices in Nippori for sheeting for fittings (tiole) which are necessary for draping. We have thin adhesive interlinings like T121 to very thick and hard ones; APIKO 100, 300, Dan-Reine R series and SX series. We also have a variety of cotton print cloths with Japanese patterns and fabrics for entrance ceremonies, cushions and interior fabric for aprons. When you have chance to come to Nippori, visit our shop! You are always welcome.


Zippers for domestic use, sewing machine thread for manufacture, adhesive interlinings, sheeting for fitting, dressmaking materials and cotton prints.

Shop Information
 Address Nippori Sunrise Mansion 1F, 5-34-8 Higashi-Nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
 Tel +81-3-3807-7163
 Fax +81-3-3807-7196
 Trading Hours 10:00am - 6:00pm
 Closed For the first 3 days of the New Year
  • …Credit Card Available

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