Shop Detail

MAP No.14 MONT Decor

Indian embroidery ribbon specialty store

We have a large selection of accessories such as braids and embroidered ribbons procured from India and Bangladesh. There are many types of wide embroidered ribbons, such as luxurious ones and pastel-colored lace ribbons with a cute atmosphere. Please use it together with our sister store ETSUKO TRIMINNG store.


Various braids, thick embroidered ribbons, tassels, bags made in India

Shop Information
 Address 6-57-5 Higashi-Nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
 Tel +81-3-6666-2170
 Fax +81-3-6666-2170
 Trading Hours 10:00am - 5:00pm
 Closed Sundays , Public holidays
  • …Credit Card Available

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